Other buttons, including AEC (Acoustic Echo Cancellation), NC (Noise Cancellation),
Filter, AGC (Automatic Gain Control), ALC (Automatic Level Control), shown above, bring up the Channel Property
Configuration screen shown below.
Channel Property Configuration Screen
The Channel Property Configuration screen is used to configure Mic Input, Line Input, and Processing channels. The
tabs available in this screen change depending on the type of channel selected in the Tree View pane of Console.
In addition to the configuration controls available in the Channel pane, there are meters showing signal levels in real
time at each stage of signal processing The meters shown change with the type of channel selected. For example,
the meters for Mic Input channels are shown below:
NOTE: All meters in Console are peak-level meters.
Channel Routing Matrix
The channel routing matrix of the Channel pane shows the associated Matrix row and routing configuration for the
channel selected in the Tree View tab of the Current Unit pane. The channel routing matrix of the Channel pane for a
Mic Input channel is shown below.