ClearOne comm PRO 8I Conference Phone User Manual

TE – Telco Enable
This command selects/reports the hook status.
Command Form: DEVICE TE <Channel> [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Group Group 1 17 (R)
Value Unsigned Integer 2 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = Toggle
(Null to query in text)
TELCOLVLCTRL – Telco RX Level Control Enable / Disable
This command selects/reports the setting of Telco Rx level control.
Command Form: DEVICE TELCOLVLCTRL <Channel> [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Channel Channel 1 See Groups and Channels
Group Group 1 17 (T)
Value Unsigned Integer 2 0 = Off
1 = On
2 = Toggle
(Null to query in text)
TIMELOCALE – Time Locale Settings
This command sets or reports the time locale settings.
Command Form: DEVICE TIMELOCALE [DaylightSavings TimeZone TimeZoneName]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Daylight Savings Unsigned Integer 4 0 = Do not use Daylight Savings
1 = Use Daylight Savings
(NULL to Query in Text)
Time Zone Unsigned Integer 4 The number of seconds from UDT. (-86400
– 86400)
Time Zone
String 32 Description of time zone
TOUT – Time Out Select
This command selects/reports the inactivity time out before returning to the unit title screen on the front panel.
Command Form: DEVICE TOUT [Value]
Argument Type Size Values Units
Value Unsigned Integer 4 0 = No Time Out
1 – 15
(Null to query in text)
UID – Unit ID
This command reports the unit id. This command is read only.
Command Form: DEVICE UID [Value]