Site Files allow you to store configuration settings for one or more units for a specific application or venue. Site
files also provide Console with the necessary information to communicate with the Converge/Converge Pro devices
using your PC.
Site files are a powerful tool for creating a library of configuration files for specific applications and room types. For
example, you can create a baseline site file for divided rooms that specifies mic gating, output crosspoints, AEC,
and AGC/ALC, store it on your hard drive, and use the file for other similar installations. This approach allows you to
standardize settings across venues.
NOTE: All units ship with a default site configuration file.
Site files also enable you to create users, set passwords, set unit master/slave control status, set up email
notification, and configure time/local parameters as described in the Site Properties topic.
Accessing Site Files
To open a Site file, select the File menu in Console.