Preset Configuration Tabs
In preset mode, the following tabs are available on the Console Tab Bar for defining preset configurations:
Unit Tab•
Channel Tab•
Matrix Tab•
AEC Reference/PA Adapt Reference Tab•
Gating Tab•
Control Tab•
The channels available for configuration in a preset are determined by the channels selected in the Use in preset
row on the matrix tab. Rows that are not selected in the matrix are grayed out, making them unavailable for preset
configuration changes. In addition, only output channels that have a cross point set in the matrix tab will be available
in the preset.
When you click a check box in the Use in preset row, the row becomes active and you can change its routing,
gating, AEC/PA Adapt reference, and other settings. All changes will be saved in the preset and executed when the
preset is ran. Channels that are not selected remain unchanged after preset execution.
In the example above, Input 1 and Input 3 are selected for use in the preset, and routed to Output 1 with gating
enabled and a cross point level adjustment of zero. Cross points are also set for Output 1 on the Process A and
Fader 1 channels.
For AEC/PA Adapt reference changes in a preset, you can also select channels in the Use in preset row as shown
below. (Note that only the channels selected and cross pointed in the matrix are available, and that they are selected
by default.)