
Lists and journal reports
The following table outlines the lists and journal reports that your machine can print out.
Name Description
Address Book List Lists the address book numbers, names and fax number/e-mail
addresses you have stored.
To print this list, press [Setting], [List], [Address Book], then [Yes].
Group List Lists the address book numbers, name and fax number/e-mail address
you have stored into group.
To print this list, press [Setting], [List], [Group], then select the group
name and press [Yes].
Command List Lists the following items:
• Command number
Address book numbers, fax numbers and e-mail addresses of the
• Start time (dd,hh:mm format)
• Note — The specified functions are printed.
To print this list, press [Setting], [List], [Journal List], [Command
List], then [Yes].
Tx Report You can print the transmission report for the fax/internet fax/e-mail
To print the report, press [Setting], [List], [Journal List], [Journal
Report], [Tx Report], then [Yes].
Rx Report You can print the reception report for the fax/internet fax/e-mail
To print the report, press [Setting], [List], [Journal List], [Journal
Report], [Rx Report], then [Yes].
Tx & Rx
You can print the transmission and reception report for the latest 100
fax transaction and latest 100 internet fax/e-mail transaction.
To print the report, press [Setting], [List], [Journal List], [Journal
Report], [Tx&Rx Report], then [Yes].
Copy Settings List Lists the current copy settings.
To print this list, press [Setting], [List], [Settings List], [Copy Set-
tings], then [Yes].
Fax Settings List Lists the current fax settings.
To print this list, press [Setting], [List], [Settings List], [Fax Settings],
then [Yes].
Scanner Settings List Lists the current scanner settings.
To print this list, press [Setting], [List], [Settings List], [Scanner Set-
tings], then [Yes].
System Settings List Lists the current machine settings.
To print this list, press [Setting], [List], [Settings List], [System Set-
tings], then [Yes].
Function List Prints the functions available on your machine.
To print this list, press [Setting], [List], [Settings List], [Function
List], then [Yes].