Chapter 13 Content Filter
P-2304R-P1 Series User’s Guide
13.2.2 Content Filter Schedule Screen
Use this screen to set up the schedule when content filtering is effective. To access this screen,
click Security > Content Filter > Schedule.
Figure 75 Security > Content Filter > Schedule
Each field is described in the following table.
Keyword List This field displays the keywords that are blocked when Enable URL Keyword
Blocking is selected. To delete a keyword, select it, click Delete, and click Apply.
Click Delete to remove the selected keyword in the Keyword List. The keyword
disappears after you click Apply.
Clear All
Click this button to remove all of the keywords in the Keyword List.
Denied Access
Enter the message that is displayed when the ZyXEL Device’s content filter
feature blocks access to a web site.
Click this to save your changes and to apply them to the ZyXEL Device.
Reset Click this to set every field in this screen to its last-saved value.
Table 60 Security > Content Filter > Filter
Table 61 Security > Content Filter > Schedule
Day to Block
Select which days of the week you want content filtering to be effective.
Time of Day to
Select what time each day you want content filtering to be effective. Enter times in
24-hour format; for example, 3:00pm should be entered as 15:00.
Click this to save your changes and to apply them to the ZyXEL Device.
Click this to set every field in this screen to its last-saved value.