Always specify /S or /R. This command must be specified as the first parameter.
/R | /S
Transmission or reception specification
File reception
File transmission
(Both /R and /S cannot be specified at the same time.)
After the command, specify the appropriate options. The options must be specified in the following
X/Y Communication protocol specification. This must directly follow either /R or /S.
X: XMODEM protocol communication.
Y: YODEM protocol communication.
(Both X and Y cannot be specified at the same time.)
M | C Error check method. This can be specified only if either /R or /S is specified.
M: Checksum (only for XMODEM)
(Both M and C cannot be specified at the same time.)
If this specification is not made, M is automatically used if XMODEM communication
is specified, and C is automatically used if YMODEM communication is specified. The
M specification will be invalid if the Y option is specified.
N | L Packet length.
N: Normal (128 bytes)
L: Long (1024 bytes)
(Both N and L cannot be specified at the same time.)
If this specification is not made, N is automatically used if XMODEM communication
is specified, and L is automatically used if YMODEM communication is specified.
Other parameters
Specify the options immediately after (without inserting a space) the command. Options must be
specified in the following order:
/N Suppression of message display
Specify this option if a copyright message or error message is suppressed from being