Hardware Window Manager Simulator (HWWMANP.COM)
This simulator simulates only the display functions of the keypad driver on a PC. It cannot function
by itself. For information about the display functions of the keypad driver see below.
File name
Startup Method
This utility is included in the SDK. Since this is a memory-resident type COM execution file, it
should only be used if it resides in memory.
Startup option
Format: HWWMANP [Options]
Options /R Releases residence, if it is currently resident.
/G[n] If the video mode is set to 12H, this function will display the hardware
window in a graphic image.
If the [n] option is specified, the display position shifts to the right by
the specified number of dots. This specification should be made using
a decimal number to indicate the number of dots by which to shift in
the X direction (default is 0). The specified number of dots will be
truncated to a multiple of eight.
This setup should be consistent with that made by KEYPADP /G.
/H Displays the Help screen.
Operating Conditions
Operation of this utility requires the following driver. Before initiating this utility install it in
System driver simulator (SYSDRVP.COM)
Termination Codes and Messages
Termination code Message Description
00 NORMAL END Normal termination
01 ABNORMAL END SYSDRVP is not installed.
Parameter error