If F-ROM drive is not supported
RAM disk
Drive A:
[Read and Write]
This drive is readied for use after the RAM disk size is specified from
the System Menu. The contents of this RAM disk will not be erased
through a boot process or by pressing the RESET switch.
Basic drive (DINOR FLASH ROM)Drive C:
[Read Only]
This drive is used to start MS-DOS. In this drive not only the main body
of MS-DOS but also the maintenance programs such as the System
Menu, etc., are stored. This is a read-only drive.
Reserved driveDrive D:
This is a reserved drive.
If this drive is accessed, an INT21h error will result.
Drive for booting a cardDrive E:
[Read Only]
This is a read-only drive that functions only while a card is booted.
For information about the mechanism of booting a card refer to
Chapter 4.3 "Card Boot”.
PC card driveDrive F:
[Read and Write]
This drive is required if the application program accesses the PC card.
This drive is prepared for use by loading the PC card driver via