Setting Cancellation of Next Resume Process
Sets the power-on process (Resume/Boot) for each power OFF reason. The default setting is
Resume On.
int SYS_SetResumeCondition(int nCondition);
nCondition = b0 Power key 0 = Resume On, 1 = Boot
b1 to b7 Reserved
b8 APO 0 = Resume On, 1 = Boot
b9 Software-triggered OFF 0 = Resume On, 1 = Boot
b10 to b15 Reserved
= 0 Normal
= -1 Parameter error
Note :
With this function the power-on process can be set for each of the reasons the power is turned
OFF: Power key, APO, and Software-triggered OFF. Therefore, if set to "The next power-on
process is boot" from the application, it is necessary to specify all three parts with the
corresponding bits.
Acquisition of Cancellation Status of Next Resume Process
Acquires the power-on process setting (Resume On/Boot) for each power-off reason.
int SYS_GetResumeCondition();
b0 Power key 0 = Resume ON, 1 = Boot
b1 to b7 Reserved
b8 APO 0 = Resume ON, 1 = Boot
b9 Software-triggered OFF 0 = Resume ON, 1 = Boot
b10 to b15 Reserved