Call Detail Records
Call Detail Records (CDRs) contain information about each call that is
processed by the VCX IP Telephony Suite.
CDR information can be generated by either a gateway, the IP Messaging
server, or the call processor. These components send the CDR information
directly to the Accounting server.
In general, the CDR generating component is responsible for deciding
which CDR fields are appropriate for that particular type of component.
Typically, one CDR is generated by a component at the open (or start) of a
call and another CDR is generated at the close (or end) of a call. Also,
CDRs are generated by components on the ingress (incoming) and egress
(outgoing) sides of a call.
The Accounting server supports the 3Queue protocol for receiving CDRs.
3Queue is a high-performance, reliable, 3Com proprietary protocol which
uses ASN.1 formatted UDP messages. The UDP messages are sent to and
received from the back-end servers.
The Call Reports application can retrieve and display Call Detail Records
(CDRs) from a VCX or IP Messaging server. You can schedule the Call
Reports application to retrieve CDRs at a specific time or you can retrieve
them on demand. The Call Reports application also includes an option for
creating reports that contain a subset of CDR information by filtering
The VCX Call Reports application is available on the 3Com Partner Access
web site and is installed on a personal computer. The download and
installation process is described in the VCX Installation Guide.
Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1 or later must be installed on the
personal computer before the VCX Call Reports application is installed.
The .NET Framework software is available from the Microsoft Download
See the VCX Maintenance Guide for information on configuring the
Accounting and Call Records servers.