4 Click Save.
The Phones page appears, listing the new phone.
After creating one or more phone extensions, you assign them to users
one at a time. See Assigning a Phone Extension to a User
Modifying a Phone
This section describes how to modify the settings assigned to a phone
To modify phone extension settings:
1 Access the Phones page (see Accessing the Phones Page
2 Click the phone extension you want to modify in the Phone Address
You can use the column headings to sort the listed phone extensions. For
example, you can sort the extensions according to the profile assigned to
a phone by clicking the Phone Profile column heading.
You can also search for a particular extension, user name, or phone
profile by selecting a search option in the Filter drop down list. Then enter
the appropriate search criteria in the Filter text box and click Go.
The Edit Phone page appears. See Figure 29
Location Specifies the value shown when a user lists phones
in the LCD directory. You can provide specific
information you want listed such as geographic
location or building name.
Exclude from Phone Book When checked, this extension will not be listed in
the LCD display panel of other phones in the system,
nor will this extension appear in the Phone Book (see
Viewing the
Phone Book).
Phone Profile Select the phone profile you want to associate with
the phone extension.
If you are creating multiple phone extensions, all the
extensions are associated with the selected profile.
If you are creating phone extensions for a branch
office, specify the phone profile associated with the
branch office.
Table 13 Add Phone Page Field Descriptions (continued)
Field Description