
Route Plan Configuration Requirements 279
This example describes how to create routes on a branch call processor
hosted by region 1. The example uses the following multi-site system:
R1a identifies the primary call processor in region 1.
R1b identifies the secondary call processor in region 1.
R2a identifies the primary call processor in region 2.
R2b identifies the secondary call processor in region 2.
B1R1 identifies the branch call processor hosted by region 1.
B1R1Gw identifies the media gateway at the branch office.
To configure a route from a branch office to its host regional office:
1 Access the server you want to manage, in this case B1R1 (see A
ccessing a
VCX Site through the Central Manager).
The USERS interface is enabled and the Users page appears.
3 Create three end points.
a Add an end point of the type Redirect Call Processor that points to
b Add an end point of the type Redirect Call Processor that points to
c Add an end point of the type Gateway that points to B1R1Gw.
You do not need to create end points (or a route) for R2a and R2b.
Region 1 will redirect calls from B1R1 to the correct destination. This
assumes, however, that region 1 has a route and route plan configured
for region 2.
For instructions on adding an end point, see Adding End Points
4 Create two routes.
Route1 includes the end points created for R1a and R1b.
Route2 includes the end point created for B1R1Gw.
For instructions on adding routes, see Adding Routes
5 Create a pattern for each region a branch user is allowed to call.
A pattern is a dial string prefix that indicates the call destination is inside
or outside of the branch office.
You can consider a prefix as a site ID. A prefix is created as a dial rule and
added to the dial plan in effect for users at a branch or region. If the site