Managing Phone Extensions 101
Figure 29 Edit Phone Page
3 Edit field information as required using Table 12 as a guide. Note that not
all the fields described in Table 12
appear on the Edit Phone page. The
following field does not appear on the Add Phone page or in Table 12
■ Status — Indicates the status of the phone, either Enabled or
Disabled. A user can only make calls on a phone if it is enabled.
When you create a phone extension, it is disabled by default. The
extension is enabled automatically when you assign it to a user.
You can use the Edit Phone page to enable or disable a phone
extension once is assigned to a user.
4 Click Save.
Deleting a Phone
This section describes how to delete one or more phone extensions. You
may want to delete the extension assigned to a user if the user leaves the
company or moves to a different site.
WARNING: If you delete a phone extension that is assigned to an
attendant console, the attendant console configuration is also deleted. To
prevent losing an attendant console configuration, first edit the
associated phone address for the attendant console so it does not use the
same phone address as the phone you want to delete using the
instructions in Editing Attendant Console Basic Information