Configuring System
Speed Dial
This section describes how to globally configure speed dial numbers.
System speed dial numbers are available to any user at any site in your
VCX system.
You can also configure personal speed dial numbers for individual users
(see Configuring Personal Speed Dial Numbers
). Personal speed dial
numbers can be managed by users through the VCX User interface.
However, users cannot add, delete, or modify system speed dial numbers.
You create system speed dial numbers through the VCX Administrator
provisioning application.
■ If your VCX system is configured as a single-site system, access the
Central Manager in your web browser by using the IP address of the
VCX system.
■ If your VCX system is configured as a multi-site system with regional
and branch sites, access the Central Manager and select the regional
site that was enabled as the system speed dial master site during
installation of VCX software. You cannot manage system speed dials
through any other site.
A user can invoke a system speed dial telephone number using one of the
following methods:
■ Access the System Speed Dial Directory through the telephone LCD
Display Panel, then press a soft button to dial the selected entry.
■ Enter the system speed dial feature code (700) followed by the index
number associated speed dial (1 for the first speed dial number, 2 for
the second speed dial number, and so on).
■ Map a dedicated telephone access button to a system speed dial
number, which enables one-touch speed dialing.
System-wide Speed Dial numbers are subject to Class of Service
restrictions. For example, if a phone is assigned to a CoS that prohibits
dialing toll-free numbers, a System Speed Dial configured for a specific
toll number will not work on that phone.