5 In the First Name field, enter the first name of the user associated with
this system speed dial entry. The field accepts a maximum of 64
characters. This field is optional.
6 In the Last Name field, enter the last name of the user associated with
this system speed dial entry. If the system speed dial entry is for an
organization or department, enter the name in this field and leave the
First Name field blank. The field accepts a maximum of 64 characters.
7 In the Phone Address field, enter the complete telephone number of the
user associated with this system speed dial entry. The field accepts a
maximum of 32 numeric characters.
■ For all VCX users (local or remote), enter the full extension number.
■ For external, users, enter all required digits (for example, the
number required to access an outside line and the area code).
8 Click Save.
The System Speed Dials page appears, showing current and new entries.
See Figure 61
. The list is limited to 12 entries by default (to change the
default, see U
sing the Graphical User Interface). You can navigate to a
different page by pressing the Previous or Next buttons. You can also sort
all the entries by clicking column headers (Speed Dial Numbers, First
Name, Last Name, or Phone Address).
Figure 61 System Speed Dial List
By default, system speed dial entries are available to users connected to
the system speed dial master site, including branch offices. To make the
system speed dial entries available to users at other regions in a multi-site
system, you must run the
config.sh script. This script is also used to add
users to the Global Directory. Log on to each region that will share the