Configuring Dial Plans 257
Editing Dial Plan
To edit a dial plan name:
1 Click Dial Plans.
The Dial Plans page appears. See Figure 94
2 Click the name of the dial plan you want to edit in the Name column.
The Edit Dial Plan page appears.
3 Revise the name of the dial plan and click Save.
The Dial Plans page appears showing the changed name.
Changing the Dial
Rules Associated with
a Dial Plan
To assign additional dial rules to a dial plan or remove existing dial rules
assigned to a dial plan:
1 Click Dial Plans.
The Dial Plans page appears. See Figure 94
2 Click Dial Rules in the row for the dial plan.
The Dial Plan - Assigned Dial Rules page appears. See Figure 95
■ To assign additional dial rules, click Assign Dial Rules, select the dial
rules, then click Assign Selected.
■ To unassign dial rules, enter a check mark in the check box
preceding one or more dial rules and click Unassign Selected.
The Dial Plan - Assigned Dial Rules page refreshes showing the updated
list of dial rules assigned to the dial plan.
Deleting Dial Plans You can delete a dial plan that is no longer in use. You cannot delete a
dial plan that is currently assigned to a phone. Deleting a dial plan does
not delete the dial rules assigned to that dial plan.
To delete a dial plan:
1 Click Dial Plans.
The Dial Plans page appears. See Figure 94
2 Use one of the following dial plan delete options:
■ Click Delete in the Actions column for the dial plan.