Managing Calendar Bands 325
4 Click Save.
The Day Time Bands page appears.
Deleting Day Time
To delete day time bands:
1 Click Day Time Bands.
The Day Time Bands page appears. See Figure 127.
2 You can delete one day time band or multiple day time bands.
■ To delete one day time band, click Delete in the Action column for the
day time band entry you want to delete.
■ To delete multiple day time bands, enter a check mark in the check
box preceding each day time band you want to delete, then click
Delete Selected.
A confirmation window appears prompting you to verify the delete
3 Click OK.
The Day Time Bands page refreshes and the deleted day time band (or
day time bands) is not listed.
Managing Calendar
This section describes how to add, edit, and delete calendar bands.
Calendar bands are based on a calendar time band table, which includes
the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The configured data can
be used for source-based input parameters for destination number
routing and number translation (see Managing Route Plans
Configuring Number Translation Patterns (DIRECTORY)
). The calendar
bands can also be used for scheduling group or phone call coverage (see
Hunt Group and Attendant Call Coverage Options
and Configuring Call
Coverage for a Telephone).
Adding Calendar
To add calendar bands:
1 From the Central Manager, select the VCX server on which you want to
add a date-based routing parameter (see A
ccessing a VCX Site through
the Central Manager).
The USERS interface is enabled and the Users page appears.