6 Click Save.
The End Points page appears listing the new end point.
Editing End Points To modify an end point configuration:
1 Click End Points.
The End Points page appears. See Figure 104
2 In the Name column, click the name of the end point you want to modify.
The Edit End Point page appears.
3 Modify the fields as required. See the field descriptions in Table 30
4 Click Save.
The End Points page appears.
Deleting End Points You can delete an end point that is no longer required. However, an end
point cannot be deleted if it is associated with a route. The VCX
Administrator provisioning application will generate an error if you try to
delete an end point that is associated with a route.
To delete one or more end points:
1 Click End Points.
The End Points page appears. See Figure 104
2 You can delete one end point or multiple end points.
IP Port Specifies the IP Port number used by the end point. The
default port number is 5060.
■ If this end point identifies an IP Telephony and IP
Messaging server, or an IP Telephony server, accept the
default port number 5060.
■ If this end point identifies an IP Messaging server, use port
number 5065.
To verify what IP Port the IP Messaging software uses, log in to
the server hosting the IP Messaging service and enter the
vcx-config-services --show command to list VCX
configuration details. Locate the entry TCP/UDP Port on
which the IPMS will receive SIP messages and
note the port used.
Table 30 End Point Field Descriptions (continued)
Name Description