Configuring Number Translation Patterns (DIRECTORY) 333
globally applied to any VCX system feature that uses that pattern (for
example, a route plan).
■ Click a number in the Indirect Requestor column. The Edit Requestor
page appears displaying the current properties of the selected
requestor. You can modify these properties (described in Editing
Requestors). Note that any modifications are globally applied to any
VCX system feature that uses that requestor.
■ Click the profile name in the Phone Profile column. The Edit Phone
Profile page appears displaying the current properties of the selected
profile. You can modify these properties (described in Editing a Phone
Profile). Note that any modifications are globally applied to any VCX
system feature that uses that profile.
■ Click a holiday, week day band, day time band, or calendar band in
the appropriate column to edit the properties of that holiday or band
(see Editing Holidays
, Editing Week Day Bands, Editing Day Time
Bands, or Editing Calendar Bands). Note that any modifications are
globally applied to any VCX system feature that uses that holiday or
Deleting Number
To delete a number translation pattern:
1 Click Number Translation.
The Number Translations page appears. See Figure 135
2 You can delete one or multiple number translations:
■ To delete one number translation, click Delete in the Action column.
■ To delete multiple number translations, enter a check mark in the
check box preceding each number translation, then click Delete
A confirmation box appears prompting you to confirm the delete action.
3 Click OK.
The Number Translations page refreshes and the deleted number
translation is not listed.