The Button Mappings List page appears.
3 Click the name of the template you want to edit.
The Edit Button Mappings page appears. See Figure 67
4 Click the drop-down list for the button whose feature you want to
change and select a new feature (see Mappable Features
On Models 2102 and 3102, you can specify the number of lines available
to a phone by mapping buttons to the System Appearance feature
(maximum of 3 lines for the Model 2102; maximum of 9 lines for the
Model 3102). You can map any button as a System Appearance line,
however multiple lines must be mapped to consecutive buttons. You
cannot map System Appearance lines on the Model 3103 phone. Note
that the number of lines available for mapping can be restricted by the
value specified in the phone profile assigned to a phone (see Creating a
Phone Profile).
Similarly, if you want to map buttons as Bridged Lines (see Mapping
Bridged Extensions, you must use consecutive buttons.
5 Enable or disable the Lock check box for the feature. All features are
unlocked by default except for buttons mapped to the System
Appearance lines on Models 2102 and 3102.
You can unlock a button mapped to a System Appearance line so a user
can remap it (or you can remap a System Appearance button) but this
reduces the number of lines available to make or receive calls on the
6 For the Number/Index field:
■ If, in step 5, you added a personal speed dial, enter a number in
the Number/Index field. The number to enter is the current
maximum index number plus 1. For example, if the current
maximum personal speed dial index number is 5, the index number
for the new speed dial number should be 6.
■ If, in step 5, you removed a personal speed dial entry, delete the
number in the Number/Index field.
A user can configure a maximum of nine personal speed dial
numbers. If you create or modify a template, the index numbers for
the available personal speed dial entries should be contiguous and
start at 1.
■ If, in step 5, you added a system speed dial, specify the index
number associated with a previously configured speed dial number.