Catalyst 2950 Desktop Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter5 Configuring IE2100 CNS Agents
Displaying CNS Configuration
Enabling a Partial Configuration
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode, follow these steps to enable the CNS configuration agent and to
initiate a partial configuration on the switch:
To disable the CNS configuration agent, use the no cns config partial {ip-address | hostname} global
configuration command. To cancel a partial configuration, use the cns config cancel privileged EXEC
Displaying CNS Configuration
You can use the privileged EXEC commands in Table 5-2 to display CNS Configuration information.
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
cns config partial {ip-address | hostname} [port-number]
[source ip-address]
Enable the configuration agent, and initiate a partial
• For {ip-address | hostname}, enter the
IP address or the host name of the configuration
• (Optional) For port-number, enter the port
number of the configuration server. The default
port number is 80.
• (Optional) Enter source ip-address to use for the
source IP address.
Note Though visible in the command-line help
string, the encrypt keyword is not supported.
Step 3
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4
show cns config stats
show cns config outstanding
Verify information about the configuration agent.
Step 5
show running-config Verify your entries.
Step 6
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.
Table 5-2 Displaying CNS Configuration
Command Purpose
show cns config connections Displays the status of the CNS configuration agent connections.
show cns config outstanding Displays information about incremental (partial) CNS
configurations that have started but are not yet completed.
show cns config stats Displays statistics about the CNS configuration agent.
show cns event connections Displays the status of the CNS event agent connections.