Issue 2.0 December 2003 1-1
Introducing Your 4630/4630SW IP
Introduction 1
The 4630 and 4630SW IP Telephones are new and innovative telephones that
combine traditional telephony features with an easy-to-use touchscreen, exciting
display options such as a stock ticker, and access to the World Wide Web. Using a
phone has never been easier with the 4630/4630SW’s online corporate phone
directory, a call log, and more than 100 available Speed Dial buttons.
This chapter introduces you to the layout of the 4630/4630SW IP Telephone. It
provides a description for the phone screen, each functional button, and other
phone characteristics, such as effective use of the touchable display screen. The
4630/4630SW’s applications are also introduced in this chapter, as well as how to
navigate application screens. This chapter also provides security, log on, and log
off procedures.
The 4630 and 4630SW telephones have the exact same appearance, user
interface, and functionality. The only differences between the sets are due to
differing electrical design - the 4630SW supports local or LAN-based
powering and has an Ethernet switch, while the 4630 supports local
powering only and has an internal shared repeater. The 4630 can use an
external hub. In general, you need not be concerned with these differences.
Any reference in this document to “4630” also applies to the 4630SW.