Setting Up Your CLIE Handheld
2 Tap “Details.”
The “Details” dialog box appears.
3 Tap the “Connection type” pick list and select one of the
following connection types:
PPP Point-to-Point protocol
SLIP Serial Line Internet Protocol
CSLIPCompressed Serial Line Internet Protocol
If you are not sure, try PPP; if that does not work, ask your Internet Service Provider
or your System Administrator for the correct connection type.
Selecting the idle timeout
The “Idle timeout” setting defines how long your CLIE handheld waits
before dropping the connection with your ISP or dial-in server when you
switch out of a TCP/IP application.
1 Tap the “Idle timeout” drop-down list and select one of the
following options:
Immediate Drops the connection to your ISP immediately
when you switch to another application.
1 Minute Waits one minute for you to open another
application before it drops the connection.
2 Minutes Waits two minutes.
3 Minutes Waits three minutes.
Power Off Keeps your PPP or SLIP connection until you
turn off your CLIE handheld (or until it times
out). This option works best with your CLIE