Using Your Zodiac Console 189
24-hour clock 129
accented characters 37
access restrictions 149
accounts 18
Acid Solitaire 66
Action buttons 20
activities 92
categories 46
, 76
expansion cards 158
add-on applications 49
, 51, 178
Address Book
See also Organizer applications
adding custom fields 90
adding entries to events from 97
adding notes 82
categorizing records for 74
creating records for 71
, 86–87
default categories for 75
deleting records from 74
duplicating entries for 88
editing categories for 76
editing entries 88
, 89
finding records 77
opening 85
overview 85
, 86
setting preferences for 90
sorting records in 80
, 90
viewing entries 88
Address Entry Details dialog 89
Address icon 85
Address List view 88
, 89
addressing e-mail 88
screen orientation 23
volume 23
, 54, 143
Agenda view 106
Agenda view icon 106
alarm clock 68
Alarm icon 100
Alarm Preset check box 155
Alarm Vibrate setting 143
accessing 69
adjusting volume for 69
, 143
delaying 101
responding to 154
selecting sounds for 69
, 102, 155
setting 100
specifying duration for 102
specifying preferences for 102
specifying repeat intervals for 155
types described 154
, 157
alerts 26
See also alarms; reminders
All Day button 95
All view list 24
alphabet 35
alphabetic keyboard 39
alternate writing strokes 131
analog clock 69
analog controller 16
, 20
calibrating 125
application buttons 28
See also Organizer applications
adding add-on 49
, 178
beaming 162
, 169
common tasks for 71
connecting to 140
copying 17
, 161
creating categories for 45
, 46
default categories for 75
deleting 51
, 163
displaying information about 160
documentation for 11
getting information on 48
importing from 41
installing 147
launching from expansion cards 159
locating text in 78
, 79
managing 43