Palm Zodiac PDAs & Smartphones User Manual

Using To Do List
Checking off To Do List items
Using Your Zodiac Console 116
Checking off
Checking off Checking off
Checking off T
To Do List items
o Do List itemso Do List items
o Do List items
You can check off a To Do List item to indicate that you’ve completed it.
1. In To Do List, tap Show.
2. Check the Show Completed Items box.
NOTE: If you uncheck this setting, your To Do items disappear from the list
when you complete (check) them. Items that no longer appear on the list
because Show Completed Items is turned off have not been deleted. They
are still in the memory of your console. You must purge completed items
to remove them from memory.
3. Check the box on the left side of the item.
To Do item