Dolphin® Power Tools User’s Guide Rev A
2 - 33
Launching Associated Applications
The Tools menu contains an item named Launch Associated App.
Launch Associated App is enabled only when there is an application associated with the EXM file.
Selecting this item automatically saves the open EXM file and launches the associated application while
the EXM file remains open.
To see the associated application, tap File > Properties.
The Path field contains the launch location of the application.
The Args field contains any command line arguments to execute when the application launches.
For more information about associating applications, see Associating Applications on page 2-16.
Example 1: You’ve saved changes to an open DeviceConfig.exm file.
To apply those changes immediately, tap Tools > Launch Associated App. Because the
DeviceConfig.exm file is associated with DeviceConfig.exe by default, DeviceConfig launches and
applies the settings in the DeviceConfig.exm file.
Example 2: You’ve saved changes to an open registry document.
Because registry documents are always associated with EZConfig Client, tapping Tools > Launch
Associated App updates the registry. EZConfig Client always updates the registry when launched
from an EXM file that is a registry document.
Example 3: You’ve saved changes to an open ScanWedge.exm file.
And that ScanWedge.exm file has the following parameters as the associated application:
Path: \program files\power tools\scanwedge.exe
Args: /restart
Tapping Tools > Launch Associated App refreshes ScanWedge with the new settings.