9 - 4 Rev A
Dolphin® Power Tools User’s Guide
Ping provides a GUI-based version of the traditional command line ping utility. Pinging sends out an echo
request to a specific computer on the network. Use Ping to verify communication links or that a specific
IP address is working.
Ping contains three tab windows: Input, Output, and About. On the Input tab, you enter and send packet
information to a specified remote host and see the result on the Output tab.
On the Network Menu window, tap the Ping icon . The Pings screen opens to the Input tab.
Using the Input Tab
Note: You do not need to complete all the fields on the Ping window to successfully execute, just the Destination IP
Field Description
Destination Enter the IP address. This field is required.
Enter the timeout time in millisecond intervals; 1000 is the default.
Send buffer size Indicate the buffer size for sending; 32 is the default.
Send count Indicate the count for sending; 4 is the default. Check Infinite to make the send
count infinite.
TTL Short for Time To Live, this is the maximum amount of time a packet is allowed to
travel through the network before it is discarded.
TOS Enter the Type of Service (TOS); it should be eight bits broken into five subfields.
Rec route for count
Enter the number of hops to record in the IP header; 1–9.
This field traces the route of the packets for each hop.The hop count is the number
of network devices between the starting node and the destination node that an IP
packet hits while traveling over a network. The number of hops is recorded in the IP