
50 AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide
Advanced Administrator Options
Saving Call History list
You can save the call history log you view on screen as a CSV file appropriate for
Microsoft Office Excel. Open the call history log you want to save, as detailed above.
• Click Save to create a CSV file, which contains more advanced information useful
for further analysis of call patterns.
Voicemail Storage
You can review how much total space on the base unit is being used for voicemail
files and how much is still available. You can also see how much space is used for
voicemail files by each specific user. When the base unit nears storage capacity, you
need to ask users to delete some or all of their voice messages or contacts.
Base Unit Storage Limits
There is a minimum of 75 MB free space maintained at all times on the base unit. If
the base unit detects that it does not have the minimum required free space, groups of
files will be deleted until the minimum required free space is reached. These files are
deleted in this order:
1. All files in the temporary folder on the base unit.
2. All personal contacts.
3. All voicemail older than 15 days.
Note: This information also appears under Storage Space Use in the Base Unit
If base unit storage is becoming an issue, ask users to do one or more of the
• Delete their voicemail, or switch to receiving voicemail as email.
• Delete contacts that they don't use often for voice dialing or phone numbers
they've configured for Bypass Receptionist.