10 AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide
System Overview
All components of the AastraLink RP Solution are designed to be sensed by the
Response Point software automatically on your LAN. Once everything is plugged in
and turned on, setting up and configuring the AastraLink RP Solution is a
straightforward process done on the system administrator’s PC.
Microsoft Response Point Administrator
The Microsoft Response Point Administrator software administers the AastraLink RP
Solution. This software is installed only on the system administrator’s computer, and
controls the basic settings for all individual phone extensions as well as the base unit
and gateway. Using the Administrator, system settings such as the date and time, call-
routing plan, and extension numbers may be configured with ease.
Microsoft Response Point Assistant
The Microsoft Response Point Assistant software is optionally installed on each
phone user’s individual PC. It allows each phone user in the Aastralink RP Solution to
specify individual user preferences such as their nicknames, directory listing,
voicemail options, and call-forwarding settings.
System Deployment Requirements
The Aastralink RP Solution requires all components be connected to the same local
area network (LAN). This includes the AastraLink 500 Base Unit, the AastraLink 540
Gateway, all Aastra RP phones, the system administrator’s PC, and phone users’ PCs
(for the Assistant software).
Microsoft Response Point Administrator and Microsoft Response Point Assistant
require that your computer run one of the following system programs:
• Microsoft Windows XP Professional or Home Edition, with Service Pack 2 (SP2,
32-bit) and the latest security updates
• Microsoft Windows Vista (32-bit) with the latest security updates
• Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2, 32-bit
• Small Business Server 2003 R2, 32-bit
Administrator and Assistant also work with the following programs for adding and
importing contacts:
• Microsoft Office Outlook
• Windows Address Book (for Windows XP)
• Windows Contacts (for Windows Vista)
• Business Contact Manager