
48 AastraLink RP System Administrator Guide
Advanced Administrator Options
5. Click OK.
Note: You may want to set up call forwarding for the user that you specify as the
Simultaneous Ringing/Ringing Groups
The Multiple Phones Ring Plan is a manually configured plan that allows many or all
phones to ring when there is an incoming call. You can choose the Multiple Phones
Ring Plan for your office if the following is true:
• Your receptionist is unavailable to answer the phone a significant part of the time.
• You don't have a dedicated receptionist.
• There is a group of people who are assigned the task of answering incoming calls.
• Incoming phone calls are answered by the person who is available or gets to the
phone first.
This plan usually involves some sort of social agreement among coworkers. For
example, if the receptionist doesn't pick up an incoming call in three rings, someone
else will answer one of the other phones that are ringing.
In order to set up a Multiple Phones Ring Plan in your office using Administrator you
must first create a job-role user, for example, called "Receptionist." This user
conceptually represents all of the people who perform the role of receptionist. Then,
assign the "Receptionist" user to the phone of each person who performs that role, and
set the "Receptionist" to answer incoming calls.
For example, Rene and Diane are assigned to answer phones in the office. You do the
• Create a user named "Receptionist
• Assign "Receptionist" as a user on Rene's phone so that it has two users: "Rene"
and "Receptionist."
• Assign "Receptionist" as a user on Diane's phone in addition to the user "Diane."
• On the Calling Routing page, you can then specify that the "Receptionist" user
receive incoming phone calls.
Now when calls are sent to the "Receptionist" user, both Rene's and Diane's phones ring
because "Receptionist" is assigned to both phones.
Setting up a Job-Role User
To set up a Multiple Phones Ring Plan using a job-role user in Administrator, do the
1. Click the Phone System button, and click Add User.
2. In the New User dialog box, on the Identification tab, click Job Role in the User
type list.
3. Type the name for the role (in this example, "Receptionist") and set other
properties, as appropriate.
4. Click OK in the User Properties dialog box.
Next, you'll assign this user to the phones used by those people in your office who
perform this role.