Using USB Storage Devices 53
The usbdisk directory may not be removed for a few seconds.
Troubleshooting If your attempt to mount the USB device fails, you can take these
additional steps:
1 Try a different USB device.
2 Look in the
/var/log/messages file to determine whether the VCX
Connect system saw the USB device and, if so, what it used for a device
USB devices are treated as virtual SCSI devices so look for recent events in
the messages file that contain device names that begin with the letters sd
(for example sda, sdb, or sdc, depending on how many other SCSI
devices are currently on your system).
3 If you find a new device called sdb1, for example, you can then log in to
the root account and enter these commands to manually mount the
mkdir /mnt/mydisk
mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/mydisk