Understanding Your Phone 40
Resetting your Phone to Factory Defaults
Note: This reset action retains all of your phone’s default parameters and settings. This action is similar to
that of a Reset action on your computer which only restarts the machine while maintaining all data
Resetting your Phone to Factory Defaults
Note: To completely remove any personal information stored on your device, see "Precautions for Transfer
and Disposal" on page 182.
You can reset your phone’s settings and clear all data/applications from phone’s
internal memory by using the Reset button in conjunction with the Action ()
key. This action resets your phone to its factory default settings, ends all applications
currently running, and wipes all data (pics/video/contacts) from your phone.
Note: Although this action wipes all information and settings from your i760, you can circumvent the
deletion of important data by storing it on your removable microSD memory card.
1. Slide open the i760 and expose the QWERTY keypad.
2. Rotate the phone to a landscape orientation and locate both the Reset
button and Action key (shown below).This process requires that both
buttons be pressed simultaneously to initiate the reset process.
3. Press and hold the Action ( ) key and Reset simultaneously (by using
a blunt object such as your stylus) for a few seconds.
Reset button Action key