Babysit mode
Rename handset
Date & time
Display contrast
Setting the handset sounds
You can set the ringer for :
- The external standard ringer for callers whose number is not stored in the phonebook or with no VIP
settings (see page 30).
- The internal ringer for intercom (if there are at least 2 handsets).
To set the 3 VIP ringer types (Friends , Family & Work ) see page 36.
To set the ringer on the handset
1- Go to Handset, validate
2- Select Sounds, validate
3- Select Ringer type, validate
4- Choose Exernal Standard ringer/Internal ringer, validate
5- Select the ringer in the list and validate
To set the volume level
There are 5 levels plus the vibration call alert.
1- Go to Handset, validate
2- Select Sounds, validate
3- Scroll to Ringer volume, validate (the current level is heard)
4- Choose the appropriate volume and validate
Note:You can also activate the vibration call alert. In this case, the ringer
will be in silence mode
To set the earpiece tone
1- Go to Handset, validate
2- Select Sounds, validate
3- Scroll to Earpiece tone, validate
4- Choose Standard, Treble or Bass and validate
Navigation reminder :
(Go to) (Validate)
(Scroll to) (Select)
To set the key & feedback tones
Tones are audio feedbacks heard when pressing the keys,validating a setting.
1- Go to Handset, validate
2- Select Sounds, validate
3- Scroll to Key & feedback tones, validate
4- Select ON/OFF, validate
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