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3.6 Statistics
B The statistic option of the Alcatel 4610 IV is intended to enable
- User (i.e. person in charge of system administration at
customer's site)
- Maintenance staff (i.e. Alcatel or distributor technician) to gather
information on load situation and characteristics of usage.
Based on this information conclusions regarding
- The degree of customer/user service and
- Required modifications of the current Alcatel 4610 IV applications
can be done.
Access to all statistical data is given via the voice guided administration
Statistic counters are based on 2 time periods:
Period for characteristics of usage (described in 'Mailbox-Statistics',
'Infobox-Statistics' and 'Automated Attendant-Statistics') are
calculated based on the time between the last reset of statistical
counters and the current time. In this way, any time frame (e.g. one
weekend, 3½ weeks, 2 months, duration of a specific advertising
campaign, etc.) can be the base for the calculation.
Period for load situation (described in 'System Utilisation-Statistics')
is available for the last week. The time period covers 24 hours on the
last 7 days
i.e. 168 time slices until the last completed hour. The
counters are updated automatically as the time period shifts continu-
ously. In this way, a complete overview on the system utilisation of the
last week is given. If the statistic counters have been reset within the
last week, the information is available since this reset.