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Listen to the message
Send a copy
Record an introduction
Finish introduction
Destination mailbox
Replay or
Delete and re-record
Delete and re-enter
Send a Copy of a Message
B You can send a copy of your new or archived message in the mailbox of
one or more subscribers, a distribution list or broadcast it. Record a
short introduction, so that the recipient knows that it is forwarded by
Press <5> when you
are listening to the
message. Record the
introductory message.
To finish press <#>.
- Press <1> to reĆ
play your message.
- Press <*> to delete
and re-record the
To confirm the
introduction press
<#>. Enter the mailĆ
box number of the desĆ
tination or a distribuĆ
tion list or the broadĆ
cast number (000).
Press <*> to cancel
the destination numĆ
ber, afterwards enter
the correct one.
Press <#> to confirm.
Instead of entering the
mailbox number you
can use the option 'dial
by name'. Your can
send a copy to more
than one mailbox or
distribution list.