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Phone number of
Alcatel 4610 IV
Company greeting
Voice mail function
Your mailbox number
Enter password
Record your name
Mailbox prefix
Enter password
Record your name
• Telephone set without mailbox key
Dial the number of the
Alcatel 4610 IV. The
number depends on the
a) Either number of the
operator group (if Alcatel
4610 IV is part of an
operator group) or
b) System number of the
Alcatel 4610 IV.
Press <#> during listenĆ
ing to the company
greeting (only in case a)).
Enter your mailbox numĆ
ber. The Alcatel 4610 IV
asks you to enter your
personal password and
to record the name of the
Dial the prefix.
The Alcatel 4610 IV asks
you to enter your new
personal password and
to record the name of the