24 24
Enter administration
Time and date
Define opening hours
Enter day of week
Define Opening Hours
B Define the requested schedule. For the following combinations one or
two ranges are possible:
D for each day of the week
D for all days of a week
D for working days (Mon.-Fri.)
D for the weekend (Sat., Sun.)
Enter the administration
Press <8> for 'Time and
Press <3> for 'Define
opening hours'.
Define day(s) of the week
<1> Sunday
<2> Monday
<3> Tuesday
<6> Friday
<7> Saturday
<8> All days of a week
<9> Working days
<0> Weekend
Define the range.
The data input is
announced. To skip a
time announcement
press <#>.
Press <#> to confirm.
Enter end time 1
Enter start time 1
Enter start time 2
Enter end time 2