Aastra Telecom 5i Series Telephone User Manual

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Administrator Level Options
3-74 41-001160-01, Rev 00, Releaes 2.3
IP Phone Administrator Guide
Primary TFTP TFTP Server tftp server The TFTP server’s IP address or
qualified domain name. If DHCP is
enabled and the DHCP server
provides the information, this field is
automatically populated. Use this
parameter to change the IP address
or domain name of the TFTP server.
This will become effective after this
configuration file has been
downloaded into the phone.
For more information, see Chapter
4, “Configuration Server Protocol”
on page 4-104.
Primary TFTP Path TFTP Path tftp path Specifies the path name for which
the configuration files reside on the
TFTP server for downloading to the
IP Phone.
If the IP phone’s configuration and
firmware files are located in a
sub-directory beneath the server’s
root directory, the relative path to
that sub-directory should be entered
in this field.
Note: Enter the path name in the
form folderX\folderX\folderX. For
example, ipphone\57i\configfiles.
For more information, see Chapter
4, “Configuration Server Protocol”
on page 4-104.
Alternate TFTP Alternate TFTP alternate tftp server The alternate TFTP server’s IP
address or qualified domain name.
This will become effective after this
configuration file has been
downloaded into the phone.
For more information, see Chapter
4, “Configuration Server Protocol”
on page 4-104.
Parameter In
IP Phone UI
Parameter in
Aastra Web UI
Parameters in
Configuration Files