Administrator Level Options
41-001160-01, Rev 00, Releaes 2.3 3-23
Administrator Options
Call Forward Key Mode
Note: This option can
be set by both Users
and Administrators.
call forward key mode Allows you to configure the Call Forward mode to use
on the phone (Account, Phone, or Custom). You can
configure Call Forward for all accounts or a specific
For more information on this feature, see “Call
Forward Mode” on page 5-89. Also see Chapter 5, the
section, “Call Forwarding” on page 5-234.
Note: This option can
be set by both Users
and Administrators.
use lldp elin Enables or disables the use of an Emergency
Location Identification Number (ELIN) received from
LLDP as a caller ID for emergency numbers.
Caution: In Release 2.3 and later, LLDP is enabled
by default. If LLDP is enabled on your network, the
phones may come up with different network settings.
For more information on this feature, see “Link Layer
Discovery Protocol for Media Endpoint Devices
(LLDP-MED) and Emergency Location Identification
Number (ELIN)” on page 5-93.
Parameter in
Aastra Web UI
Parameter in
Configuration Files