Page 246 Index
E-mail addresses
in Address Book 90, 91
looking up 123–124
E-mail items. See Mail
Entering data 15–18
importing from other
applications 36–37
problems with 224
using Graffiti writing 25–34
using the computer keyboard 35
using the onscreen keyboard 35
Entries. See Address Book
Eudora 116
Events. See Date Book
Excel, transferring Expense data
to 109–112
Exchange 116
Exchanging data. See HotSync
Exclamation marks in To Do List 98
adding Address Book data to
records 70–71
categorizing records 63
conduit for synchronizing 146
creating records 57, 104
currency 106, 113
date of item 105
defining new currency 107
deleting records 59
menus 112
notes for records 74
opening 56
overview 56
purging records 60
receipt details 105
reports in Excel 109–112
sorting records 71
templates for reports 110
type 106, 113
vendor 106
FCC Statement 241
Files, linking to external 161
Filing e-mail 129
Filters for e-mail 134–138
applications, using Graffiti
writing 13
e-mail addresses 123–124
information in
applications 67–71
phone numbers 69–70
using the Find application 68
Folders for e-mail 131
Fonts 75
Formats preferences 169
Frozen organizer 223
Games 44, 171
General preferences
alarm sounds 171
auto-off delay 170
system sounds 171
Glossary. See Graffiti ShortCuts
accented characters 32
alphabet 25, 28
basic concepts 25
capital letters 29
Command stroke 15
defined 16
Giraffe game for practicing 44
how to write characters 26
menu commands 14
moving the cursor 33
numbers 29
online Help 59, 166
problems using 224
punctuation marks 30
ShortCuts for entering data 33,
symbols 31
tips 27
writing 25–34
writing area 5, 26
Hard reset 218
Header information (e-mail) 119, 122