ZyXEL Communications FMG3024-D10A IP Phone User Manual

Chapter 20 Traffic Status
FMG3024-D10A / FMG3025-D10A Series User’s Guide
Status This field displays the current state of the phone call.
Idle - There are no current VoIP calls, incoming calls or outgoing calls being
Dial - The callee’s phone is ringing.
Ring - The phone is ringing for an incoming VoIP call.
Process - There is a VoIP call in progress.
DISC - The callee’s line is busy, the callee hung up or your phone was left off the
Codec This field displays what voice codec is being used for a current VoIP call through a
phone port.
Peer Number This field displays the SIP number of the party that is currently engaged in a VoIP
call through a phone port.
Phone Status
Account This field displays the phone accounts of the Device.
This field displays the SIP number that you use to make calls on this phone port.
This field displays the SIP number that you use to receive calls on this phone port.
Phone State This field shows whether or the phone connected to the subscriber port is on-hook
ONHOOK) or off-hook (OFFHOOK).
Table 74 System Monitor > VoIP Status (continued)