42 | HP Jornada H/PC User’s Guide
• An account with your corporate network set for
dialing in to your network server—Your network
administrator can provide you with important informa-
tion, such as a user name, password, dial-up phone
number(s), server names, and so on.
• A dial-up connection set up on your HP Jornada—
This step is made easier with the HP Jornada dialup
application, included on your HP Jornada.
• Access to a phone line—You can connect to an analog
phone line with your HP Jornada 820. Or, connect to the
phone line supported by your PC Card modem if you have
the HP Jornada 820e.
If you use the HP Jornada 820 (with built-in modem), you must use an analog phone
line to connect your modem. Connecting to a digital phone line can damage your modem.
Installing and configuring a modem
The HP Jornada 820 has a built-in 56K V.90 modem for
easy communication, so no installation is required. The
HPJornada 820e supports a variety of available PC Card
modems. (For more information about compatible PC Card
modems, go to the HP Jornada Accessories page on the
Hewlett-Packard Web site at www.hp.com/handheld.) To
install and configure a PC Card modem for use with your
HP Jornada, follow the manufacturer’s instructions .
Establishing a network dial-up account
Before you can log on to your network using a modem, you
must establish a network account with your network admin-
istrator. Most likely, you will dial in to a server that has a
modem installed to receive your call. The information you
need for this connection is similar to the information needed
to connect to the Internet through an ISP:
• Your account user name
• Your account password