Configuring the PC Software Setting up TAPI
Configuring the TAPI Connection
Note: Under Windows you should log on as the user for
whom you want to configure the TAPI connection.
1. In the Start menu, select Settings: Control Panel. Double-click on the Phone
and Modem Options icon.
2. Change to the Advanced Options tab.
3. From the list of installed driver software, select OpenCom 100 Service
Provider and click on Configure.
4. In the following dialog you will find a list with the configured connections for
the user who is currently logged on. Click on New.
5. In the following dialog you provide information for the new connection. In the
Connection name box you can enter a descriptive name for the connection. In
the CTI server box you must enter the DNS name or the IP address of the
Aastra 800. Using the […] button you can search for this in the LAN. In the
boxes Username and Password you enter the user data of one of the users
configured on the Aastra 800. This user must be allocated a system terminal.
Confirm your entry with OK.
6. The new connection is now configured. Close the opened dialogs with OK and
Testing the TAPI Function
1. In the Start menu, select Programs: Accessories: Communication and then
start the program called Phone Dialer.
Under Windows XP the Phone Dialer is started indirect by using the dialling
function of the Address book (can be found in the start menu under Pro-
grams: Accessories). A manual start of the program file “Dialer.exe” in the
“C:\Program files\Windows NT” folder is possible also.
2. In the Too ls menu, select the item Connect using... to select the system ter-
minal that is to use the CTI application. Under Windows XP you select the item
Options from the Edit menu. In the Lines tab you then select the system ter-
minal from the Phone calls list.