Aastra Telecom 800 IP Phone User Manual

Team Functions Examples of Use
Line Busy Indication
If a line is busy, e.g. TrK 11 Johnson, the team keys 11 on Miller’s and Smith’s tele-
phones will indicate this.
Call Signalling
In this example, calls via the trunk keys are signalled acoustically. Calls via the team
keys are indicated by a visual signal (the team key LED flashes).
10.2.3 Unified Team
The unified team described here is an example of a team configuration within a
department in which calls are to be managed quickly (e.g. support department).
Each team member has one Aastra 6773ip (OpenPhone 73 IP) system telephone
with all call keys programmed as trunk keys.
Example: unified team
Line Seizure
Call numbers 10, 11 and 12 are programmed as trunk keys on each team member’s
telephone (TrK 10 to TrK 12.
All team members can use these numbers for answering as well as making calls.
TrK 10: Support 1
TrK 11: Support 2
TrK 12: Support 3
TrK 10: Support 1
TrK 11: Support 2
TrK 12: Support 3
TrK 10: Support 1
TrK 11: Support 2
TrK 12: Support 3