Chapter 6 Page 83
4. Press Space to dial.
Tip: You can also tap the Speed Dial button for the number you want to call, or roll the
rocker switch to select the button and then press the rocker switch or Return to
dial the number.
Tip: During a call, if you are prompted to enter a menu selection, tap Dial Pad and then
enter the numbers you want with the keyboard. If you defined any Extra Digits, such
as an extension, tap Extra Digits.
5. Close the lid to end the call.
Changing a Speed Dial entry
You can change any of the information associated with a Speed Dial button.
Note: You cannot change the phone number for your wireless service provider’s voicemail
service. You can, however, rename, move, or add Extra Digits to this voicemail entry.
To change a Speed Dial entry:
1. From the Speed Dial view, press Menu .
2. Under Edit, select Edit Speed Dial (/E).
3. Tap the entry you want to change.
4. In the Edit Entry dialog, enter the new information.
5. Hold Option and press Return twice to save the new information.
Tap to view
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