List of AT Commands for Nokia 22
Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones 2001. All rights reserved.
<topRx>: integer type; top value for <wRx> that the user is going to request during the next
established non-transparent HSCSD call. The default value 0 indicates that the user is not
going to change <wAiur>/<wRx> during the next call
<codings>: a sum of integers each representing a channel coding that is accepted for non-
transparent HSCSD calls. The default value 0 indicates that all the supported codings are
accepted (refer +CHSD command for other values)
<codings>: is a sum of integers each representing a supported channel coding:
4 9.6k full rate data traffic channel
8 14.4k full rate data traffic channel
12 Both 9.6k and 14.4k supported
<maxAiur>: integer type; the maximum value for <wAiur> (assuming that all supported channel
codings are accepted and the maximum number of timeslots is used)
0 <wAiur>/<wRx> modification during call is not supported (<topRx> accepts only 0)
1 <wAiur>/<wRx> modification during call is supported by ME/TA
NOTE! The non-transparent/transparent data service shall be selected by the at+cbst command.
6.3.15 +CHSC Current call parameters
Command response
+CHSC +CHSC: <rx>,<tx>,<aiur>,<coding>
<rx>: integer type; the number of receive timeslots currently in use
<tx>: integer type; the number of transmit timeslots currently in use
<aiur>: integer type; the current air interface user rate (in case of a transparent service this
equals fixed network user rate) (Refer to the +CHSN command for the possible
<coding>: current channel coding (Refer to the +CHSD command for the possible values.)
+CVHU voice hang-up control