List of AT Commands for Nokia 22
Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones 2001. All rights reserved.
6.3.13 +CHSD HSCSD device parameters
Command Response +cme error
+CHSD +CHSD: <mclass>,<maxRx>,<maxTx>,<sum>,<codings>
<mclass>: integer type; multislot class
<maxRx>: integer type; the maximum number of receive timeslots that the ME can use
<maxTx>: integer type; the maximum number of transmit timeslots that the ME can use
<sum>: integer type; the total number of receive and transmit timeslots that the ME can use at
the same time (per TDMA frame). The following applies in a HSCSD call: 1
£ (receive slots) + (transmit slots) £ <sum>
<codings> a sum of integers each representing a supported channel coding
4 9.6k full rate data traffic channel
8 14.4k full rate data traffic channel
12 both 9.6k and 14.4k supported
6.3.14 +CHSN Parameter command syntax
Command Response +cme error
+CHSN: <wAiur>,<wRx>,<topRx>,<codings>
+CHSN=? +CHSN: (1-6),(1-3),(0-3),(4,8)
The set command controls parameters for non-transparent HSCSD calls. Changing <topRx> or
<codings> value during a call does not affect the current call. Changing <wAiur> or <wRx> affects
the current call only if <topRx> was non-zero when a call was established.
Defined values
<wAiur>: integer type; wanted air interface user rate. The default value 0 indicates that the TA shall
calculate a proper value from the currently selected fixed network user rate (<speed>
subparameter from +CBST command), <codings>, and <wRx> (or <maxRx> from +CHSD
command if <wRx>=0). Other values:
1 9600 bps
2 14400 bps
3 19200 bps
4 28800 bps
6 43200 bps
<wRx>: integer type; wanted amount of receive timeslots. The default value 0 indicates that the TA
shall calculate a proper value from the currently selected <wAiur> and <codings>