Nokia 9356900 issue 1 Telephone User Manual

List of AT Commands for Nokia 22
Copyright © Nokia Mobile Phones 2001. All rights reserved.
Defined values
<type> type of number, refer to GSM 04.08
129 unknown/telephony
145 international/telephony
6.3.2 +CMOD Call mode
Command Response Default
+CMOD=<mode> 0
+CMOD? +CMOD: <mode>
+CMOD=? +CMOD: (0-3)
The +CMOD command selects the call mode of the further dialling commands (D) or for the next
answering command (A). The mode can be either single or alternating. When the single mode is
selected, the call originating and hang-up procedures are similar to the procedures specified in the
ITU-T Recommendations V.25ter, T.31 and T.32. In the GSM system, voice calls can be followed
by alternating voice/data and alternating voice/fax calls.
NOTE: The +CMOD shall be set to zero after a successfully completed alternating mode call. It
shall be set to zero also after a failed answering. The power-up, factory (&F) and user resets (Z)
shall also set the value to zero. This reduces the possibility of accidentally originating or answering
alternating mode calls.
NOTE: Alternating call answering operations from an external UI may change the +CMOD values.
Defined values
0 single mode
1 alternating voice/fax (teleservice 61)
2 alternating voice/data (bearer service 61)
3 voice followed by data (bearer service 81)
6.3.3 +CHUP Hang-up call
The +CHUP is an assured procedure to terminate an alternating mode call.