
7 Troubleshooting
70 Juno ST Handheld User Guide
Bluetooth wireless technology
Problem Cause Solution
The Bluetooth icon
does not appear in the
Today screen
An error has occured. Perform a soft reset of the handheld (see Performing
a soft reset, page 27).
The handheld cannot
discover a nearby
Bluetooth device.
The device is out of range. Move the devices closer to each other and then scan
Bluetooth wireless technology
is not enabled on one or both
Make sure that the Bluetooth radio is turned on, on
both the handheld (see Enabling Bluetooth wireless
connections, page 62) and the other Bluetooth device.
The device has not been made
Make sure that the Bluetooth device has been made
The handheld cannot
connect to the host
serial port service you
want to use.
Although multiple host serial
port service connections can
be configured on a handheld,
there is only one outgoing
port available to Bluetooth.
Therefore only one
connection to one of the
configured services can be
active at any one time.
End any other active connection to a host serial port
service and then try again.
The Bluetooth
connection fails while
in use.
The Bluetooth device has
moved out of range.
Move the devices closer to each other. The devices
should reconnect automatically. If they do not, select
the Bluetooth device in the Bonded Devices tab. Tap
and hold the device name and select Delete. Tap New
to discover the device again.
The Bluetooth radio has lost
the connection.
Turn off the Bluetooth radio on the handheld and
then turn on the Bluetooth radio (see Enabling
Bluetooth wireless connections, page 62).
Bluetooth file transfer
interrupts the connection.
When you transfer large image or data files, other
Bluetooth connections may stop responding. To avoid
problems, close other Bluetooth connections before
transferring large files.
The Bluetooth radio
turns off unexpectedly.
The handheld’s Bluetooth
radio has crashed and turned
itself off.
Use the handheld’s Bluetooth control to turn on the
radio again and, if required, reinitiate the connection.
If this does not resolve the issue, turn off the
Bluetooth radio and then restart both the handheld
and the connected Bluetooth device to reinitiate the
connection with both radios in a fresh state.